Classic recipe for a healthy and nutritious breakfast, made with your own hands!

Homemade Peanut Butter

Homemade Peanut Butter with a Healthy Touch

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This Peanut Butter is exactly what you and your kids will love!
Servings Prep Time Cook Time
2cups 20min 10min
Servings: cups
  1. Prepare all the required ingredients.Homemade Peanut Butter Ingredients
  2. Place peanuts on a baking tray and roast them for about 20 min at 325 F. Check if they need more or less time for roasting.Homemade Peanut Butter Roasting Peanuts
  3. Place peanuts in a food processor and start grinding. For a first couple of minutes the peanuts will be crushed in small pieces. Keep grinding until peanuts develop a paste like consistency.Homemade Peanut Butter Grinding Peanuts
  4. At this point (about 5 min later) add salt and coconut oil. Oil will help to smooth the paste. You can also add honey at the same time to make the peanut butter sweeter.Homemade Peanut Butter Grinding Peanuts
  5. Keep processing the peanuts. They will start to generate their own oil, and the peanut paste will become more liquid. A couple more minutes and the peanut butter will be ready. Add more coconut oil if necessary.
  6. Enjoy this peanut butter on a classic PB&J sandwich or as nutritious addition to your morning oatmeal! It is great on everything! Bon Nuppetit!Homemade Peanut Butter